资源论文Retexturing Single Views Using Texture and Shading

Retexturing Single Views Using Texture and Shading

2020-03-27 | |  57 |   40 |   0

We present a method for retexturing non-rigid ob jects from a single viewpoint. Without reconstructing 3D geometry, we create real- istic video with shape cues at two scales. At a coarse scale, a track of the deforming surface in 2D allows us to erase the old texture and overwrite it with a new texture. At a fine scale, estimates of the local irradiance provide strong cues of fine scale structure in the actual lighting environ- ment. Computing irradiance from explicit correspondence is diffcult and unreliable, so we limit our reconstructions to screen printing — a com- mon printing techniques with a finite number of colors. Our irradiance estimates are computed in a local manner: pixels are classified according to color, then irradiance is computed given the color. We demonstrate results in two situations: on a special shirt designed for easy retexturing and on natural clothing with screen prints. Because of the quality of the results, we believe that this technique has wide applications in special effects and advertising.

上一篇:Tracking and Labelling of Interacting Multiple Targets

下一篇:Inter-modality Face Recognition



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