

2020-03-30 | |  36 |   0 |   0


A tensorflow implementation of dense net on Street view house number(SVHN) dataset.


A brief description of the Model is provided below.

The files I have modified significantly are:

  1. preprocess.py

  2. train.py

  3. models.py

High level view

Input layer -> Block 1 -> Transition 1 -> Block 2 -> Transition 2 -> Block 3 -> Batch Normalization -> Relu -> Global average pooling -> Fully connected layer

  • Block consists of 4 Dense layers.

  • Dense layer is made of the following sequence:

    1. Batch Normalization

    2. Relu

    3. Convolutional 2d layer

    4. Concatination of the previous layers output to the previous element(Convolutional 2d layer)

  • Transition Layer is made of the following sequence:

    1. Batch Normalization

    2. Relu

    3. Convolutional 2d layer

    4. Average Pooling(stride=2)

Hyper parameters and other essential attributes

  • Input dimension = [100, 32, 32, 1] (Trained using batches of 100 images)

  • Ouput dimension = [10]

  • epoch = 800


  • Balanced subsampling on training dataset.

  • Converting SVHN images from RGB to grayscale.

  • The training and validation data are stored in HDF5 binary data format.

上一篇: tf-DenseNet




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