

2019-09-10 | |  145 |   0 |   0

Chainer example code for NLP

This repository is out of date and rough. I do not guarantee that these code works correctly.

I am developing a new NMT toolkit NMTKit and strongly recommend to use it instead of these samples to train neural translation models.

This repository contains some neural network examples for natural language processing (NLP) using Chainer framework.

Chainer Official (GitHub)

Making Local Client

Before running these scripts, making a local python client using pyenv is reccomended, like:

$ pyenv install 3.5.0
$ pyenv virtualenv 3.5.0 example
$ pyenv shell example
$ pip install chainer


  • Machine Translation

    • mt_s2s_encdec.py - Using encoder-decoder style recurrent neural network

    • mt_s2s_attention.py - Using attentional neural network

  • Word Segmentation (Tokenization)

    • seg_ffnn.py - Using feedforward neural network

    • seg_rnn.py - Using recurrent neural network

  • Language Model

    • lm_rnn.py - Using recurrent neural network (RNNLM)


If you find an issue or have some questions, please contact Yusuke Oda: * @odashi_t on Twitter (faster than other methods) * yus.takara (at) gmail.com


下一篇:VAE with a VampPrior



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