资源算法 sockeye-noise


2020-04-02 | |  50 |   0 |   0

Denoising Autoencoder in Sockeye

This version of Sockeye contains codes to train a denoising autoencoder for sequences. It includes the following artificial noises for source side:

  • Insertion of frequent tokens

  • Deletion of tokens

  • Permutation of tokens with a limited distance

If you use this code, please cite:

If you are looking for the language model integration into cross-lingual word embedding, please go to wbw-lm.


> pip install -r requirements/requirements.txt> pip install .

after cloning the repository from git.

If you want to run on a GPU you need to make sure your version of Apache MXNet Incubating contains the GPU bindings. Depending on your version of CUDA you can do this by running the following:

> pip install -r requirements/requirements.gpu-cu${CUDA_VERSION}.txt> pip install .

where ${CUDA_VERSION} can be 75 (7.5), 80 (8.0), 90 (9.0), or 91 (9.1).


To train a denoising autoencoder, turn on --source-noise-train with detailed noise options (--source-noise-insertion--source-noise-insertion-vocab--source-noise-deletion--source-noise-permutation). Please put the same training data for both source and target sides and also the same validation data for both sides. Optionally, you can also switch on --source-noise-validation to evaluate your models on a noisy validation set during the training. Example:

> python -m sockeye.train -s {training_data} 
                          -t {training_data} 
                          -vs {validation_data} 
                          -vt {validation_data} 
                          --source-noise-permutation 3 
                          --source-noise-deletion 0.1 
                          --source-noise-insertion 0.1 
                          --source-noise-insertion-vocab 50 
                          .... (other options)

Denoising with a trained model can be done with sockeye.translate module in the same way as translating an input sentence. You can use all other modules provided by Sockeye on denoising autoencoder, e.g. sharding the training data (sockeye.prepare_data) or model averaging (sockeye.average). Please refer to the Sockeye documentation for details.

上一篇: sockeye-recipes




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