资源算法 sockeye-transfer


2020-04-02 | |  44 |   0 |   0

Transfer Learning in Sockeye

This version of Sockeye contains codes to transfer a pre-trained model to another translation task. It includes the following additional components to Sockeye:

  • Replacing embedding weights with pretrained embedding files (fasttext format)

  • Injecting artificial noises on training data (insertion, deletion, permutation)

If you use this code, please cite:


> pip install -r requirements/requirements.txt> pip install .

after cloning the repository from git.

If you want to run on a GPU you need to make sure your version of Apache MXNet Incubating contains the GPU bindings. Depending on your version of CUDA you can do this by running the following:

> pip install -r requirements/requirements.gpu-cu${CUDA_VERSION}.txt> pip install .

where ${CUDA_VERSION} can be 75 (7.5), 80 (8.0), 90 (9.0), or 91 (9.1).


To extract embedding weights from a (pretrained) model file, use tools/extract-embed.sh script:

> ./extract-embed.sh {model_file} {vocabulary_file} (source|target)

The output embedding file is compatible with MUSE for a cross-lingual mapping.

To replace embedding weights in a (pretrained) model file, use replace_embedding module:

> python -m sockeye.replace_embedding -p {model_file} 
                                      -e {embedding_file} 
                                      -s (source|target) 
                                      -o {output_model_file} 
                                      -v {output_vocab_file}

The embedding file must be in fasttext format. Unless -o and -v options are used, the output model/vocabulary files are generated with suffixes derived from the given embedding file. Please use the output model and vocabulary files in the child task training via --params and --source-vocab (or --target-vocab) options.

To pretrain a parent model with artificial noises, turn on --source-noise-train with detailed noise options (--source-noise-insertion--source-noise-insertion-vocab--source-noise-deletion--source-noise-permutation). Optionally, you can also switch on --source-noise-validation to evaluate your models on a noisy validation set during the training. Example:

> python -m sockeye.train -s {training_data} 
                          -t {training_data} 
                          -vs {validation_data} 
                          -vt {validation_data} 
                          --source-noise-permutation 3 
                          --source-noise-deletion 0.1 
                          --source-noise-insertion 0.1 
                          --source-noise-insertion-vocab 50 
                          .... (other options)

Injecting noises into the target side is analogous by replacing source with target in the option names.

Please refer to "Effective Cross-lingual Transfer of Neural Machine Translation Models without Shared Vocabularies" for further explanations of the transfer procedure.





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