

2020-04-02 | |  34 |   0 |   0


This repo provides sample code that eventually trains a toy Sockeye model. It downloads and installs all software and data, preprocesses data and trains a model. After that, there is a script that demonstrates how evaluation typically works.

This will train a toy model that does not output meaningful translations. All commands assume training and translation should run on CPU, rather than GPU. If you have a multicore machine, consider increasing num_threads in the scripts.


  • This only works on a Unix-like system, with bash.

  • Python 3 must be installed on your system, i.e. the command python3 must be available

  • Make sure virtualenv is installed on your system. To install, e.g.

    pip install virtualenv


Clone this repository in the desired place:

git clone https://github.com/bricksdont/sockeye-toy-models
cd sockeye-toy-models

Create a new virtualenv that uses Python 3. Please make sure to run this command outside of any virtual Python environment:


Important: Then activate the env by executing the source command that is output by the shell script above.

Download and install required software:


Download and split data:


Preprocess data:


Then finally train a model:


The training process can be interrupted at any time. Interrupted trainings can usually be continued from the point where they left off.

Evaluate a trained model with


上一篇: Copper-Sockeye-Inseason




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