

2020-04-03 | |  29 |   0 |   0

Deep Feature Flow for Video Semantic Segmentation

Based on Deeplab V2

1. Setup environment

  • If you use our dockerfile, you can run the code easily.

  • If you want to set up your own env, please follow these steps:

    • If you are in China Mainland, you can use these to speedup pip install -r requirements.txt -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple

    • We only support python2.7 now

    • Install tk: sudo apt-get -y install python-tk

    • Install OpenCV 3.4.1

    • Install needed python packages with pip install -r requirements.txt

    • Then sh init.sh to build the lib for faster-rcnn Because we use the code from Deformable ConvNets and the dataloader has some dependencies on faster-rcnn, so you need to build the lib first.

    2. Prepare Data and Pretrained Model

    Cityscapes Data

    You need to download the cityscapes data from the official webpapge and unzip the data Put the data into data/cityscapes, you can use soft link to set the data path as the following: ln -s Dataset_path ./data/cityscapes

    If you want to try DFF, you should download cityscapes video data and put it into data/cityscapes_video

    Pretrained Model

    Download pretrained resnet model flow net from Onedrive, and put the model into mode/pretrained_model/


    3. Train and Test

    Training Deeplab V2

    python ./experiments/deeplab/deeplab_train_test.py --cfg ./experiments/deeplab/cfgs/deeplab_resnet_v1_101_cityscapes_segmentation_base.yaml

    Training Deeplab V2 Deformable

    python ./experiments/deeplab/deeplab_train_test.py --cfg ./experiments/deeplab/cfgs/deeplab_resnet_v1_101_cityscapes_segmentation_dcn.yaml

    Training DFF Deeplab V2

    python ./experiments/deeplab_dff/deeplab_dff_train.py --cfg ./experiments/deeplab_dff/cfgs/deeplab_resnet_v1_101_cityscapes_segmentation_video.yaml

    4. Performance


    5. TODO List

    •  Add Scripts

    •  Add experiment results

    •  Add support for Deeplab V3+

    •  Add BiSeNet

    6. FAQ

    • Program hang if your system opencv is 2.x and your opencv-python is 3.x

    7. Acknowledgement

    Thanks for the official deep featuere flow implementation and deeplab implementation from MSRACVER





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