

2020-04-07 | |  35 |   0 |   0

Manual Kaldi for Russian

1) Get source code of Kaldi & Voxforge_ru recipe for Kaldi:

git clone https://github.com/kaldi-asr/kaldi.git

cd kaldi/egs/

git clone https://github.com/freerussianasr/recipes.git

cd ..

2) Build tools:

cd tools


Note: Install dependencies until you've got: ./extras/check_dependencies.sh: all OK.

In my particular case:

sudo apt-get install libtool subversion

sudo ln -s -f bash /bin/sh

make -j 4

Wait until you have got: All done OK.

cd ..

3) Build src:

cd src


You should get SUCCESS

make depend -j 2

make -j 2

Wait until you have got: Done

cd ..

4) Go and get data for voxforge_ru:

cd egs/recipes/voxforge_ru


You should get the following output:

FINISHED —2016-10-24 22:54:44--

Total wall clock time: 1h 17m 39s

5) Copy or create symbolic links to utils & steps:

ln -s ../../voxforge/s5/steps steps

ln -s ../../voxforge/s5/utils utils

6) Install additional dependencies:

sudo apt-get install flac

cd ../../../tools/


If you face the following message:

This script cannot install SRILM in a completely automatic
way because you need to put your address in a download form.


- go to http://www.speech.sri.com/projects/srilm/download.html

- download srilm...

- put file in ./tools/srilm.tgz (it should be renamed)

sudo apt-get install gawk


You should get:

Installation of SRILM finished successfully
Please source the tools/extras/env.sh in your path.sh to enable it

cd extras/

sudo apt-get install swig




You should get:

Installation of SEQUITUR finished successfully

cd ../../

7) Run training script:

cd egs/recipes/voxforge_ru

Add to path.sh the following line:

source $KALDI_ROOT/tools/env.sh


8) For running script to record audio:

sudo apt-get install python-pyaudio python3-pyaudio


Voxforge ru - GPL license

Kaldi - Apache License





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