

2020-04-07 | |  34 |   0 |   0

Thesis: Automatic speech recognition using Kaldi

This repository contains the source code of the thesis and its presentation. If you want to read the thesis please read the most recent version text/tags/oplatek_thesis014.pdf.

(The most recent version should point to file with the highest number in the file name suffix. For older versions see the text/tags/ directory.)

I presented work overview and results of the thesis at the UFAL Monday seminar. The slides are available at ./presentation/tags/oplatek_ufal_seminar2014_04_14_v001.pdf. The slides for my defence in Czech can be downloaded at ./presentation/tags/oplatek__defence_cs.pdf.

Work described

The text of this thesis describes my work on projects listed below:

Note: The thesis is compiled for two side printing.





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  • Keras-ResNeXt

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