

2020-04-08 | |  35 |   0 |   0

AllenNLP Language Modeling Plugin

An experimental plugin adding several language model implementations and training methods to AllenNLP.


This plugin is designed to work with AllenNLP 0.8.5. It can be installed by running:

pip install git+https://github.com/allenai/allennlp-language-modeling


This plugin has two intended uses:

  1. As a standard Python library (e.g., by adding import allennlp_lm to your Python code).

  2. As a collection of supplementary models, modules, etc. that can be used in your AllenNLP model configs. To make these accessible all you need to do is add the --include-package allennlp_lm flag when running allennlp commands.

Issues & Contributions

This code is in the early stages of development and is likely to be unstable in the upcoming months. Everyone is welcome to file issues with either feature requests, bug reports, or general questions so long as they are related to language modeling or this codebase. Everyone is especially welcome to submit pull requests/responses addressing said issues.





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