

2020-04-08 | |  35 |   0 |   0


This repo holds a few example AllenNLP experiments modified to run with DistributedDataParallel support. The training_config directory has two versions of the same set of experiments. The ones in distributed_data_parallel directory mostly differs with the dataset readers. The dataset readers are replicas of the original ones in AllenNLP, with a minor modification to support distributed sampling.

To run the distributed experiments install AllenNLP:

conda create -n allennlp_distributed python=3.7
conda activate allennlp_distributed
git clone https://github.com/allenai/allennlpcd allennlp
pip install .

And run:

allennlp train training_config/distributed_data_parallel/esim.jsonnet --include-package distributed-training -s output/

To run without distributed setup, do the usual AllenNLP installation and use experiments in training_config/ data_parallel/

Speed Comparison: Time taken to train one epoch (averaged over 3 epochs)

GPU - 2080 Ti

NOTE: The time reported does not correspond to the training_duration metric. This is the time taken by the Trainer._train_epoch method.

ExperimentSingle GPU2x Data Parallel2x Distributed4x Data Parallel4x Distributed
esim.jsonnet (400K SNLI samples)4m 15sNANA4m 30s2m 13s
bidaf.jsonnet5m 44sNANA4m 10s2m 5s


下一篇: allennlp-probe-hw



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