

2020-04-09 | |  35 |   0 |   0



Data Visualization can be understood as a graphical presentation of data to uncover the underlying information that it holds and allow the users to identify the patterns present in it. By delivering information in a vibrant and interactive structure it facilitates users to make quick decisions based upon their roles. What makes a data visualization even more powerful is its ability to process data in real time allowing immediacy in making a decision. On contrary to batch or event-driven visualization real-time analytics is the state of the art tool for any individual or organisation who must take tactical or operational decisions on the fly.

With support for more than 20 different basic and advanced visualizations, the users can view the data from various dimensions whether it be for distribution analytics, relationship analytics or comparison analytics. The Flair BI visualization library is completely open source, allowing any data enthusiasts to use it to create their own custom Business Intelligence tool or simply use the visualizations in their personal projects.


Flair-Visualizations can be installed via npm or bower. It is recommended to get Flair-Visualizations this way.


npm install flair-visualizations


bower install flair-visualizations


  • Body Properties (These are common for all visualizations)

Property NameConfig Property NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Values
Show X AxisshowXaxisBoolean that says if x axis should be shownTRUETrue
Show Y AxisshowYaxisBoolean that says if y axis should be shownTRUETrue
X Axis ColourxAxisColorColour of X axis#676a6c
Y Axis ColouryAxisColorColour of Y axis#676a6c
Show X Axis LabelshowXaxisLabelBoolean that says if x axis label should be shownTRUETrue
Show Y Axis LabelshowYaxisLabelBoolean that says if y axis label should be shownTRUETrue
Show LegendshowLegendBoolean that says if legend should be shownTRUETrue
Legend positionlegendPositionLegend position with sidesTopTop
Show GridshowGridBoolean to Show Grid or notTRUETrue
StackedstackedBoolean that says if chart is stackedTRUETrue



  • Attributes

  • Configuration Properties

    • Dimensions

      Property NameConfig Property NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Values
      Display namedisplayNameA Display nameDisplayname
    • Measures

      Property NameConfig Property NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Values
      Value on PointsshowValuesShow value on pointsfalsetrue/false
      Display namedisplayNameForMeasureA Display name for MeasureDisplayname
      Font stylefontStyleStyle of fontsNormalNormal/Italique/Oblique
      Font weightfontWeightWeight of fontsNormalNormal/Bold/100-900
      Number formatnumberFormatPossible number formatsActualK,M,B,Actual
      Text colourtextColorThe text colour#617c8c
      Display colourdisplayColorAn display colournull
      Border colourborderColorAn border colournull
      Font sizefontSizeSize of fonts9



  • Attributes

  • Configuration Properties

    • Dimensions

      Property NameConfig Property NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Values
      Display namedisplayNameA Display nameDisplayname
    • Measures

      Property NameConfig Property NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Values
      Value on PointsshowValuesShow value on pointsfalsetrue/false
      Display namedisplayNameForMeasureA Display name for MeasureDisplayname
      Font stylefontStyleStyle of fontsNormalNormal/Italique/Oblique
      Font weightfontWeightWeight of fontsNormalNormal/Bold/100-900
      Number formatnumberFormatPossible number formatsActualK,M,B,Actual
      Text colourtextColorThe text colour#617c8c
      Display colourdisplayColorAn display colournull
      Border colourborderColorAn border colournull
      Font sizefontSizeSize of fonts9


  • Attributes

  • Configuration Properties

    • Dimensions

      Property NameConfig Property NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Values
      Display namedisplayNameA Display nameDisplayname
    • Measures

      Property NameConfig Property NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Values
      Value on PointsshowValuesShow value on pointsfalsetrue/false
      Display namedisplayNameForMeasureA Display name for MeasureDisplayname
      Font stylefontStyleStyle of fontsNormalNormal/Italique/Oblique
      Font weightfontWeightWeight of fontsNormalNormal/Bold/100-900
      Number formatnumberFormatPossible number formatsActualK,M,B,Actual
      Text colourtextColorThe text colour#617c8c
      Display colourdisplayColorAn display colournull
      Border colourborderColorAn border colournull
      Font sizefontSizeSize of fonts9


  • Attributes

  • Configuration Properties

    • Dimensions

      Property NameConfig Property NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Values
      Display namedisplayNameA Display nameDisplayname
    • Measures

      Property NameConfig Property NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Values
      Value on PointsshowValuesShow value on pointsfalsetrue/false
      Display namedisplayNameForMeasureA Display name for MeasureDisplayname
      Font stylefontStyleStyle of fontsNormalNormal/Italique/Oblique
      Font weightfontWeightWeight of fontsNormalNormal/Bold/100-900
      Number formatnumberFormatPossible number formatsActualK,M,B,Actual
      Text colourtextColorThe text colour#617c8c
      Display colourdisplayColorAn display colournull
      Border colourborderColorAn border colournull
      Font sizefontSizeSize of fonts9


  • Attributes

  • Configuration Properties

    • Dimensions

      Property NameConfig Property NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Values
      Display namedisplayNameA Display nameDisplayname
    • Measures

      Property NameConfig Property NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Values
      Value on PointsshowValuesShow value on pointsfalsetrue/false
      Display namedisplayNameForMeasureA Display name for MeasureDisplayname
      Font stylefontStyleStyle of fontsNormalNormal/Italique/Oblique
      Font weightfontWeightWeight of fontsNormalNormal/Bold/100-900
      Number formatnumberFormatPossible number formatsActualK,M,B,Actual
      Text colourtextColorThe text colour#617c8c
      Display colourdisplayColorAn display colournull
      Border colourborderColorAn border colournull
      Font sizefontSizeSize of fonts9
      Line Chart Point typepointTypeType of pointsCircleCircle,Cross,CrossRot,Dash,Line,Rect,RectRounded,RectRot,Star,Triangle
      Line TypelineTypeTypes of line chartsLineArea/Line


  • Attributes

  • Configuration Properties

    • Dimensions

      Property NameConfig Property NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Values
      Display namedisplayNameA Display nameDisplayname
    • Measures

      Property NameConfig Property NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Values
      Value on PointsshowValuesShow value on pointsfalsetrue/false
      Display namedisplayNameForMeasureA Display name for MeasureDisplayname
      Font stylefontStyleStyle of fontsNormalNormal/Italique/Oblique
      Font weightfontWeightWeight of fontsNormalNormal/Bold/100-900
      Number formatnumberFormatPossible number formatsActualK,M,B,Actual
      Text colourtextColorThe text colour#617c8c
      Display colourdisplayColorAn display colournull
      Border colourborderColorAn border colournull
      Font sizefontSizeSize of fonts9
      Line Chart Point typepointTypeType of pointsCircleCircle,Cross,CrossRot,Dash,Line,Rect,RectRounded,RectRot,Star,Triangle
      Line TypelineTypeTypes of line chartsLineArea/Line
      Combo chart typecomboChartTypeline or barBarBar/Line


  • Attributes

  • Configuration Properties

    • Viz Properties

      Property NameConfig Property NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Values
      Show value asvalueAsshow labels as option in piece lableLabelLabel/Percentage/Value
      Value as ArcvalueAsArcBoolean that says value on the segment should be in arc or notTRUEtrue/false
      Value positionvaluePositionPosition of value outside or inside pie segmentBorderBorder/Outside


  • Attributes

  • Configuration Properties

    • Viz Properties

      Property NameConfig Property NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Values
      Show value asvalueAsshow labels as option in piece lableLabelLabel/Percentage/Value
      Value as ArcvalueAsArcBoolean that says value on the segment should be in arc or notTRUEtrue/false
      Value positionvaluePositionPosition of value outside or inside pie segmentBorderBorder/Outside
    • Dimensions

      Property NameConfig Property NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Values
      Display namedimensionDisplayNameA Display name for DimensionDisplayname
      Display namemeasureDisplayNameA Display name for MeasureDisplayname
      Font stylefontStyleStyle of fontsNormalNormal/Italique/Oblique
      Font weightfontWeightWeight of fontsNormalNormal/Bold/100-900
      Text colourfontColorThe text colour#617c8c
      Font sizefontSizeSize of fonts9


  • Attributes

  • Configuration Properties

    • Viz Properties

      Property NameConfig Property NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Values
      Gauge TypegaugeTypeType of gaugesHalf CircleHalf Circle/Radial
    • Dimensions

      Property NameConfig Property NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Values
      Value on PointstargetShowValuesShow value on points for Target MeasureFALSETrue
      Display nametargetDisplayNameA Display name for Target MeasureDisplayname
      Font styletargetFontStyleStyle of fonts for Target MeasureNormalNormal/Italique/Oblique
      Font weighttargetFontWeightWeight of fonts for Target MeasureNormalNormal/Bold/100-900
      Number formattargetNumberFormatPossible number formats for Target MeasureActualK,M,B,Actual
      Text colourtargetTextColorThe text colour for Target Measure#617c8c
      Display colourtargetDisplayColorAn display colour for Target Measurenull
      Value on PointsshowValuesShow value on pointsFALSETrue
      Display namedisplayNameA Display name for MeasureDisplayname
      Font stylefontStyleStyle of fontsNormalNormal/Italique/Oblique
      Font weightfontWeightWeight of fontsNormalNormal/Bold/100-900
      Number formatnumberFormatPossible number formatsActualK,M,B,Actual
      Text colourtextColorThe text colour#617c8c
      Display colourdisplayColorAn display colournull
      Enable Gradient ColorisGradientEnable Gradient Color for Source MeasureFALSETrue


  • Attributes

  • Configuration Properties

    • Dimensions

      Property NameConfig Property NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Values
      Display namedisplayNameForDimensionA Display name for DimensionDisplayname
      Font stylefontStyleForDimensionStyle of fonts for DimensionNormalNormal/Italique/Oblique
      Font weightfontWeightForDimensionWeight of fonts for DimensionNormalNormal/Bold/100-900
      Text colourtextColorForDimensionThe text colour for Dimension#617c8c
      Font sizefontSizeForDimensionSize of fonts for Dimension9
      Cell colourcellColorForDimensionCell colour for table cells for Dimensionrgba(255, 255, 255, 1)
      Text colour expressiontextColorExpressionForDimensionThe text colour expression for Dimensionnull
      Text alignmenttextAlignmentForDimensionAlignment of text for DimensionCenterCenter/Left/Right
    • Measures

      Property NameConfig Property NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Values
      Display namedisplayNameForMeasureA Display name for MeasureDisplayname
      Font stylefontStyleForMeasureStyle of fonts for MeasureNormalNormal/Italique/Oblique
      Font weightfontWeightForMeasureWeight of fonts for MeasureNormalNormal/Bold/100-900
      Text colourtextColorForMeasureThe text colour for Measure#617c8c
      Font sizefontSizeForMeasureSize of fonts for Measure9
      Cell colourcellColorForMeasureCell colour for table cells for Measurergba(255, 255, 255, 1)
      Text colour expressiontextColorExpressionForMeasureThe text colour expression for Measurenull
      Cell colour expressioncellColorExpressionForMeasureExpression to customize cell colour of table cellsnull
      Icon nameiconNameForMeasureAn icon name for Measurenull
      Icon ExpressioniconExpressionForMeasureAn icon expression for Measurenull
      Text alignmenttextAlignmentForMeasureAlignment of text for MeasureCenterCenter/Left/Right
      Icon positioniconPositionForMeasureAn icon position for MeasureCenterCenter/Left/Right
      Number formatnumberFormatForMeasurePossible number formats for MeasureActualK,M,B,Actual


  • Attributes

  • Configuration Properties

    • Dimensions

      Property NameConfig Property NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Values
      Display namedisplayNameForDimensionA Display name for DimensionDisplayname
      Font stylefontStyleForDimensionStyle of fonts for DimensionNormalNormal/Italique/Oblique
      Font weightfontWeightForDimensionWeight of fonts for DimensionNormalNormal/Bold/100-900
      Text colourtextColorForDimensionThe text colour for Dimension#617c8c
      Font sizefontSizeForDimensionSize of fonts for Dimension9
      Cell colourcellColorForDimensionCell colour for table cells for Dimensionrgba(255, 255, 255, 1)
      Text colour expressiontextColorExpressionForDimensionThe text colour expression for Dimensionnull
      Text alignmenttextAlignmentForDimensionAlignment of text for DimensionCenterCenter/Left/Right
      PivotisPivotedPivot the dimensionFALSEtrue/false
    • Measures

      Property NameConfig Property NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Values
      Display namedisplayNameForMeasureA Display name for MeasureDisplayname
      Font stylefontStyleForMeasureStyle of fonts for MeasureNormalNormal/Italique/Oblique
      Font weightfontWeightForMeasureWeight of fonts for MeasureNormalNormal/Bold/100-900
      Text colourtextColorForMeasureThe text colour for Measure#617c8c
      Font sizefontSizeForMeasureSize of fonts for Measure9
      Cell colourcellColorForMeasureCell colour for table cells for Measurergba(255, 255, 255, 1)
      Text colour expressiontextColorExpressionForMeasureThe text colour expression for Measurenull
      Cell colour expressioncellColorExpressionForMeasureExpression to customize cell colour of table cellsnull
      Icon nameiconNameForMeasureAn icon name for Measurenull
      Icon ExpressioniconExpressionForMeasureAn icon expression for Measurenull
      Text alignmenttextAlignmentForMeasureAlignment of text for MeasureCenterCenter/Left/Right
      Icon positioniconPositionForMeasureAn icon position for MeasureCenterCenter/Left/Right
      Number formatnumberFormatForMeasurePossible number formats for MeasureActualK,M,B,Actual
      Icon Font weighticonFontWeightWeight of icon fontsNormalNormal/Bold/100-900
      Icon colouriconColorAn Icon colournull


  • Attributes

  • Configuration Properties

    • Dimensions

      Config Property NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Values
      numberFormatPossible number formatsActualK,M,B,Actual
      displayColorAn display colournull
    • Measures

      Property NameConfig Property NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Values
      Border colourborderColorAn border colournull


  • Attributes

  • Configuration Properties

    • Dimensions

      Property NameConfig Property NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Values
      Show LabelsshowLabelForDimensionBoolean to show labelsTRUEtrue/false
      Colour of labelslabelColorForDimensionLabel coloursnullnull
      Display colourdisplayColorAn display colournullnull
      Font stylefontStyleForDimensionStyle of fonts for DimensionNormalNormal/Italique/Oblique
      Font weightfontWeightForDimensionWeight of fonts for DimensionNormalNormal/Bold/100-900
      Font sizefontSizeForDimensionSize of fonts for Dimension9
    • Measures

      Property NameConfig Property NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Values
      Value on PointsshowValuesShow value on pointsFALSEtrue/false
      Font sizefontSizeForMesSize of fonts9
      Font stylefontStyleForMesStyle of fontsNormalNormal/Italique/Oblique
      Font weightfontWeightForMesWeight of fontsNormalNormal/Bold/100-900
      Number formatnumberFormatPossible number formatsActualK,M,B,Actual
      Text colourvalueTextColourThe text colour#617c8c
      Color PatterncolorPatternColor pattern to vizualizationsnullSingle/Gradient/Unique


  • Attributes

  • Configuration Properties

    • Dimensions

      Property NameConfig Property NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Values
      Colour of labelsdimLabelColorLabel coloursnullnull
      Display namedisplayNameA Display nameDisplayname
      Font stylefontStyleForDimensionStyle of fonts for DimensionNormalNormal/Italique/Oblique
      Font weightfontWeightForDimensionWeight of fonts for DimensionNormalNormal/Bold/100-900
      Font sizefontSizeForDimensionSize of fonts for Dimension9
    • Measures

      Property NameConfig Property NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Values
      Value on PointsshowValuesShow value on pointsFALSETrue/False
      Number formatnumberFormatPossible number formatsActualK,M,B,Actual
      Show IconshowIconBoolean to show iconsTRUEtrue/false
      Color CodingcolourCodingConditional coloringnull
      Display namedisplayNameForMeasureA Display name for DimensionDisplayname
      Font stylefontStyleForMeasureStyle of fonts for DimensionNormalNormal/Italique/Oblique
      Font weightfontWeightForMeasureWeight of fonts for DimensionNormalNormal/Bold/100-900
      Text colourvalueTextColourThe text colour for Dimension#617c8c
      Font sizefontSizeForMeasureSize of fonts for Dimension9
      AlignmentvaluePositionan alignmentLeftCenter/Left/Right
      Icon nameiconNameForMeasureAn icon name for Measurenull
      Icon positioniconPositionForMeasureAn icon position for MeasureCenterCenter/Left/Right
      Icon Font weighticonFontWeightWeight of icon fontsNormalNormal/Bold/100-900
      Icon colouriconColorAn Icon colournull


  • Attributes

  • Configuration Properties

    • Dimensions

      Property NameConfig Property NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Values
      Number formatnumberFormatPossible number formatsActualK,M,B,Actual
      Show LabelsshowLabelBoolean to show labelsTRUEtrue/false
      Colour of labelslabelColorLabel coloursnullnull
    • Measures

      Property NameConfig Property NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Values
      Display colourdisplayColorAn display colournull


  • Attributes

  • Configuration Properties

    • Chart Properties

      Property NameConfig Property NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Values
      OrientationorientationOrientation of Bullet ChartHorizontalHorizontal/Vertical
      SegmentssegmentsNo of Segments11 to 5
      Segment Color CodingsegmentInfoSegment Color Codingnull
    • Dimensions

      Property NameConfig Property NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Values
      Value on PointsshowValuesShow value on pointsFALSEtrue/false
      Font sizefontSizeForMesSize of fonts9
      Font stylefontStyleForMesStyle of fontsNormalNormal/Italique/Oblique
      Font weightfontWeightForMesWeight of fontsNormalNormal/Bold/100-900
    • Measures

      Property NameConfig Property NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Values
      Target colourtargetColorTarget colour#676a6cnull
      Display colourdisplayColorAn display colournull
      Number formatmeasureNumberFormatPossible number formatsActualK,M,B,Actual
      Number formattargetNumberFormatPossible number formatsActualK,M,B,Actual


  • Attributes

  • Configuration Properties

    • Dimensions

      Property NameConfig Property NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Values
      Font stylefontStyleStyle of fonts for DimensionNormalNormal/Italique/Oblique
      Font weightfontWeightWeight of fonts for DimensionNormalNormal/Bold/100-900
      Font sizefontSizeSize of fonts for Dimension9
      Text colourtextColorThe text colour for Target Measure#617c8c
      Value on PointsshowValuesShow value on pointsFALSETrue/False
    • Measures

      Property NameConfig Property NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Values
      Number formatnumberFormatPossible number formatsActualK,M,B,Actual
      Color PatterncolorPatternColor pattern to vizualizationsnullSingle/Gradient/Unique
      Display colourdisplayColorAn display colournull
      Border colourborderColorAn border colournull


  • Attributes

  • Configuration Properties

    • Dimensions

      Property NameConfig Property NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Values
      Display namedisplayNameA Display nameDisplayname
    • Measures

      Property NameConfig Property NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Values
      Value on PointsshowValuesShow value on pointsfalsetrue/false
      Display namedisplayNameForMeasureA Display name for MeasureDisplayname
      Font stylefontStyleStyle of fontsNormalNormal/Italique/Oblique
      Font weightfontWeightWeight of fontsNormalNormal/Bold/100-900
      Number formatnumberFormatPossible number formatsActualK,M,B,Actual
      Text colourtextColorThe text colour#617c8c
      Display colourdisplayColorAn display colournull
      Border colourborderColorAn border colournull
      Font sizefontSizeSize of fonts9





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