

2020-04-09 | |  49 |   0 |   0


This project contains an example external recommender for the INCEpTION annotation platform. It is used to recommend possible name entities and part-of-speech tags to an annotator in order to speed up annotation and improve annotation quality. It uses Zalando Flair internally to do this predictions and Flask as the web framework.


This project uses Python ≥ 3.6, FlaskZalando Flair and dkpro-cassis. It is recommended to install these dependencies in a vitural environment:

virtualenv venv --python=python3 --no-site-packages
source venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install git+https://github.com/dkpro/dkpro-cassis
pip install flask
pip install flair

When the recommender is deployed on a Gunicorn server:

pip install gunicorn


After everything has been set up, the recommender then can be started from the command line by calling

python app_flair.py --pos ${POS_MODEL_NAME} --ner ${NER_MODEL_NAME} --sentiment ${SENTIMENT_CLASSIFIER_MODEL_NAME}

where ${POS_MODEL_NAME} is the name of the POS-tagging model, ${NER_MODEL_NAME} is the name of NER model and ${SENTIMENT_CLASSIFIER_MODEL_NAME} is the name of the text classification model. A list of pretrained models can be found on the flair page.

When used in production, the recommender can be deployed on an actual application server Gunicorn by calling:

gunicorn app_flair:app -c gunicorn.conf

where gunicorn.conf is the config file. The following line of the config file is used to configure the models in Gunicorn:

raw_env = ["pos_model=${POS_MODEL_NAME}","ner_model=${NER_MODEL_NAME}","sentiment_model=${SENTIMENT_CLASSIFIER_MODEL_NAME}"]

More information about the configuration of Gunicorn can be found on the Gunicorn page.

For now, the recommender supports the following models:

NameTaskTraining Dataset
'ner'4-class Named Entity RecognitionConll-03
'ner-fast'4-class Named Entity Recognition(smaller model)Conll-03
'ner-ontonotes'18-class Named Entity RecognitionOntonotes
'ner-ontonotes-fast'18-class Named Entity Recognition(smaller model)Ontonotes
'pos'Part-of-Speech TaggingOntonotes
'pos-fast'Part-of-Speech Tagging(smaller model)Ontonotes
'en-sentiment'detecting positive and negative sentimentmovie reviews from IMDB

In order to simplify the setup, the recommender is also packaged as a docker file. The installation of Docker in different platforms can be found on Docker page. With the given Dockerfile you can build a container image by running:

docker build -t <name_of_container> .

and test your docker image locally by running( add "-d" option if you want to run the container in the background ):

docker run -it -p 5000:5000 <name_of_container>

More details about Docker can be found on Docker Documentation.


flair_ner.json contains 4-class name entity tags from Conll-03, flair_ner_ontonotes.json contains 12-class name entity tags from Ontonotes and flair_pos.json contains pos-of-speech tags from Ontonotes. When you annotate your text with Flair external recommender, you need first import the tagset files into your project in INCEpTION as "Settings -> Tagsets -> Choose Files -> Format : JSON -> Submit".


The tests can be run via

python -m unittest discover





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