

2020-04-09 | |  38 |   0 |   0

# FlairsTech-WorkShop

this project is a sample test-workshop from FlairsTech :
objective is to demonstrate how to deploy a java 8 spring-boot web-app with Postgres database via docker.

project-prerequisites :
1. Java8 installed

2. mvn installed

3. docker installed


Get & Run the Project :

   in an empty folder or directory , open terminal or CMD 

   and enter the following commands in sequance :

 1. git clone --progress -v "https://github.com/aboelsoud3/FlairsTech-WorkShop.git"

 2.  cd FlairsTech-WorkShop/

 3. mvn clean install

 4. docker build -t aboelsoud/workshop .

 5. cd docker

 6. docker-compose up -d

  now 2 containers are up & runnig one for DataBase and the other for Application


Test the Application :

 now you can test the application :

    open webBrowser and type : http://localhost:8080/ASM

or from terminal type : curl http://localhost:8080/ASM  

you sould see some thing like this :

{"code":"ASM","name":"American Samoa","continent":"Oceania","population":68000,"life_expectancy":75.0999985}




 thanks alot,

kindly note that this is done in so short time ,

so please forgive me for any mistake .





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