

2019-10-09 | |  159 |   0 |   0

A PyTorch wrapper for CUDA FFTs License

A package that provides a PyTorch C extension for performing batches of 2D CuFFT transformations, by Eric Wong

Update: FFT functionality is now officially in PyTorch 0.4, see the documentation here. This repository is only useful for older versions of PyTorch, and will no longer be updated.


This package is on PyPi. Install with pip install pytorch-fft.


  • From the pytorch_fft.fft module, you can use the following to do foward and backward FFT transformations (complex to complex)

    • fft and ifft for 1D transformations

    • fft2 and ifft2 for 2D transformations

    • fft3 and ifft3 for 3D transformations

  • From the same module, you can also use the following for real to complex / complex to real FFT transformations

    • rfft and irfft for 1D transformations

    • rfft2 and irfft2 for 2D transformations

    • rfft3 and irfft3 for 3D transformations

  • For an d-D transformation, the input tensors are required to have >= (d+1) dimensions (n1 x ... x nk x m1 x ... x md) where n1 x ... x nk is the batch of FFT transformations, and m1 x ... x md are the dimensions of the d-D transformation. d must be a number from 1 to 3.

  • Finally, the module contains the following helper functions you may find useful

    • reverse(X, group_size=1) reverses the elements of a tensor and returns the result in a new tensor. Note that PyTorch does not current support negative slicing, see this issue. If a group size is supplied, the elements will be reversed in groups of that size.

    • expand(X, imag=False, odd=True) takes a tensor output of a real 2D or 3D FFT and expands it with its redundant entries to match the output of a complex FFT.

  • For autograd support, use the following functions in the pytorch_fft.fft.autograd module:

    • Fft and Ifft for 1D transformations

    • Fft2d and Ifft2d for 2D transformations

    • Fft3d and Ifft3d for 3D transformations

# Example that does a batch of three 2D transformations of size 4 by 5. import torchimport pytorch_fft.fft as fft

A_real, A_imag = torch.randn(3,4,5).cuda(), torch.zeros(3,4,5).cuda()
B_real, B_imag = fft.fft2(A_real, A_imag)
fft.ifft2(B_real, B_imag) # equals (A, zeros)B_real, B_imag = fft.rfft2(A) # is a truncated version which omits
                                   # redundant entriesreverse(torch.arange(0,6)) # outputs [5,4,3,2,1,0]reverse(torch.arange(0,6), 2) # outputs [4,5,2,3,0,1]expand(B_real) # is equivalent to  fft.fft2(A, zeros)[0]expand(B_imag, imag=True) # is equivalent to  fft.fft2(A, zeros)[1]
# Example that uses the autograd for 2D fft:import torchfrom torch.autograd import Variableimport pytorch_fft.fft.autograd as fftimport numpy as np

f = fft.Fft2d()
invf= fft.Ifft2d()

fx, fy = (Variable(torch.arange(0,100).view((1,1,10,10)).cuda(), requires_grad=True), 
          Variable(torch.zeros(1, 1, 10, 10).cuda(),requires_grad=True))
k1,k2 = f(fx,fy)
z = k1.sum() + k2.sum()
z.backward()print(fx.grad, fy.grad)


  • This follows NumPy semantics and behavior, so ifft2(fft2(x)) = x. Note that CuFFT semantics for inverse FFT only flip the sign of the transform, but it is not a true inverse.

  • Similarly, the real to complex / complex to real variants also follow NumPy semantics and behavior. In the 1D case, this means that for an input of size N, it returns an output of size N//2+1 (it omits redundant entries, see the Numpy docs)

  • The functions in the pytorch_fft.fft module do not implement the PyTorch autograd Function, and are semantically and functionally like their numpy equivalents.

  • Autograd functionality is in the pytorch_fft.fft.autograd module.

Repository contents

  • pytorch_fft/src: C source code

  • pytorch_fft/fft: Python convenience wrapper

  • build.py: compilation file

  • test.py: tests against NumPy FFTs and Autograd checks

Issues and Contributions

If you have any issues or feature requests, file an issue or send in a PR.





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