资源算法Grammar Variational Autoencoder

Grammar Variational Autoencoder

2019-09-10 | |  84 |   0 |   0

Grammar Variational Autoencoder (implementation in pyTorch) 

This repo has implemented the grammar variational autoencoder so far,



training performance

  • [ ] add grammar masking

  • [ ] add MSE metric



  • [ ] what type of accuracy metric do we use?

  • [ ] train

    • [ ] what are the evaluation metrics in DCNN?

    • [ ] sentiment analysis

    • [ ]

    • [ ] encoder convolution exact configuration

    • [ ] read dynamic convolutional network

  • [ ] think of a demo

  • [ ] closer look at the paper


  • [x] data

  • [x] model

Usage (To Run)

All of the script bellow are included in the ./Makefile. To install and run training, you can just run make. For more details, take a look at the ./Makefile.

  1. install dependencies via bash pip install -r requirement.txt

  2. Fire up a visdom server instance to show the visualizations. Run in a dedicated prompt to keep this alive. bash python -m visdom.server

  3. In a new prompt run bash python grammar_vae.py

Program Induction Project Proposal

  1. specify typical program induction problems

  2. make model for each specific problem

  3. get baseline performance for each problem


  • [ ] read more papers, get ideas for problems

  • [ ] add grammar mask

  • [ ] add text MSE for measuring the training result.

List of problems that each paper tackles with their algorithms:

Grammar Variational Autoencoder https://arxiv.org/abs/1703.01925

  • session 4.1, fig arithmetic expression limited to 15 rules. test MSE. exponential function has large error. use $$log(1 + MSE)$$ instead. <= this seems pretty dumb way to measure.

  • chemical metric is more dicey, use specific chemical metric.

  • Why dont they use math expression result? (not fine grained enough?)

  • Visualization: result is smoother (color is logP). <= trivial result

  • accuracy table 2 row 1: math expressions

method | frac. valid | avg. score | | ---------- | ------------------- | ---------------------------------------- | | GAVE | 0.990 0.001 | 3.47 0.24 | | My Score | | ~~0.16~~ ~~0.001~~ todo: need to measure MSE | | CAVE | -0.31 0.001 | 4.75 0.25 |

Automatic Chemical Design https://arxiv.org/abs/1610.02415

The architecture above in fact came from this paper. There are a few concerns with how the network was implemented in this paper: - there is a dense layer in-front of the GRU. activation is reLU - last GRU layer uses teacher-forcing. in my implementation $$beta$$ is set to $$0.3$$.

Synthesizing Program Input Grammars https://arxiv.org/abs/1608.01723

Percy Lian, learns CFG from small examples.

A Syntactic Neural Model for General-Purpose Code Generation https://arxiv.org/abs/1704.01696

need close reading of model and performance.

A Hybrid Convolutional Variational Autoencoder for Text Generation https://arxiv.org/abs/1702.02390

tons of characterization in paper, very worth while read for understanding the methodologies.

Reed, Scott and de Freitas, Nando. Neural programmer-interpreters (ICLR), 2015.

see note in another repo.

Mou, Lili, Men, Rui, Li, Ge, Zhang, Lu, and Jin, Zhi. On end-to-end program generation from user intention by deep neural networksarXiv preprint arXiv:1510.07211, 2015.

  • inductive programming

  • deductive programming

  • model is simple and crude and does not offer much insight (RNN).

Jojic, Vladimir, Gulwani, Sumit, and Jojic, Nebojsa. Probabilistic inference of programs from input/output examples. 2006.

Gaunt, Alexander L, Brockschmidt, Marc, Singh, Rishabh, Kushman, Nate, Kohli, Pushmeet, Taylor, Jonathan, and Tarlow, Daniel. Terpret: A probabilistic programming language for program induction. arXiv preprint arXiv:1608.04428, 2016.

Ellis, Kevin, Solar-Lezama, Armando, and Tenenbaum, Josh. Unsupervised learning by program synthesis. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, pp. 973981, 2015.

Bunel, Rudy, Desmaison, Alban, Kohli, Pushmeet, Torr, Philip HS, and Kumar, M Pawan. Adaptive neural compilation. arXiv preprint arXiv:1605.07969, 2016.

Riedel, Sebastian, Bosnjak, Matko, and Rockta schel, Tim. Programming with a differentiable forth interpreter. arXiv preprint arXiv:1605.06640, 2016.





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