

2019-09-10 | |  135 |   0 |   0


Deeper DCGAN with AE stabilization

Parallel training of GAN as an AE with dedicated losses for each stage. Generator class has conditional .forward() method for enhanced ergonomics. AE pass seems to avoid mode collapse and recover faster if Generator is not doing well.

Has been used successfully with as few as ~200 images in the source folder.

Builds on the DCGAN PyTorch demo. This one generates images upto 1024x1024 so it can use a lot of VRAM.

Should work when the "dataroot" is configured ImageNet style: ".../a_dir_of_images/what_would_be_a_label" or ".../cat_pics/cute_cats/cat_001.jpg"

Have fun!

Examples of generated drawings at http://tylerkvochick.com/generating-the-generator.html

上一篇:PyTorch Image Classification with Kaggle Dogs vs Cats Dataset

下一篇:Graphics code generating model using Processing



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