资源算法Image colorization

Image colorization

2019-09-10 | |  51 |   0 |   0

Pix2pix for image colorization

Python 3.6 and MXNet 1.1

This is an attempt to implement Pix2pix network using Python and MXNet Mainly used to colorize black and white images, specifically videos.

The network is configured right now to work with input of 1x3x256x256 images. An image will be split into lightness and a,b channels, the lightness channel will serve as an input to generator which will attempt to produce a 1x2x256x256 a,b channels tensor that we will feed into the discriminator in a sequence with original a,b channels.

Metrics visualization

tensorboard --logdir=./logs/train

Code is based on

https://github.com/affinelayer/pix2pix-tensorflow https://github.com/zackchase/mxnet-the-straight-dope/blob/master/chapter14_generative-adversarial-networks/pixel2pixel.ipynb

pix2pix paper



Video colorization example: Video colorization, captured and colorized in real-time using notebook and usb web-cam


下一篇:retrieval chatbot



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