The ability of an agent to rationally answer questions about a given task is the key measure of its
intelligence. While we have obtained phenomenal performance over various language and vision
tasks separately, ‘Technical, Hard and Explainable
Question Answering’ (THE-QA) is a new challenging corpus which addresses them jointly. THE-QA
is a question answering task involving diagram understanding and reading comprehension. We plan
to establish benchmarks over this new corpus using
deep learning models guided by knowledge representation methods. The proposed approach will envisage detailed semantic parsing of technical figures and text, which is robust against diverse formats. It will be aided by knowledge acquisition and
reasoning module that categorizes different knowledge types, identify sources to acquire that knowledge and perform reasoning to answer the questions correctly. THE-QA data will present a strong
challenge to the community for future research and
will bridge the gap between state-of-the-art Artifi-
cial Intelligence (AI) and ‘Human-level’ AI