资源算法Deep Learning of Binary Hash Codes for Fast Image Retrieval

Deep Learning of Binary Hash Codes for Fast Image Retrieval

2019-09-11 | |  100 |   0 |   0

We present an effective deep learning framework to create the hash-like binary codes for fast image retrieval. The details can be found in the following "CVPRW'15 paper":

Deep Learning of Binary Hash Codes for Fast Image Retrieval
K. Lin, H.-F. Yang, J.-H. Hsiao, C.-S. Chen
CVPR 2015, DeepVision workshop

please cite the paper if you use the model:
caffe-cvprw15: See our code release on Github, which allows you to train your own deep hashing model and create binary hash codes.
CIFAR10-48bit: Proposed 48-bits CNN model trained on CIFAR10.


上一篇:Fully Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation

下一篇:GoogLeNet_cars on car model classification



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