资源算法CNN Object Proposal Models for Salient Object Detection

CNN Object Proposal Models for Salient Object Detection

2019-09-11 | |  65 |   0 |   0

CNN models for the following CVPR'16 paper:

Unconstrained Salient Object Detection via Proposal Subset Optimization
J. Zhang, S. Sclaroff, Z. Lin, X. Shen, B. Price and R. Mech.
CVPR, 2016.


The following models are finetuned on the Salient Object Subitizing dataset (~5000 images) with bounding box annotations:
VGG16: This model is used in the paper.
GoogleNet: This model is smaller, faster and slightly better than the VGG16 model.

It is recommended that you download the full system here, which will automatically download all the needed models and data.



下一篇:Deep Hand



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