资源论文Explicit Loss-Error-Aware Quantization for Low-Bit Deep Neural Networks

Explicit Loss-Error-Aware Quantization for Low-Bit Deep Neural Networks

2019-10-17 | |  43 |   34 |   0
Abstract Benefiting from tens of millions of hierarchically stacked learnable parameters,Deep Neural Networks(DNNs)have demonstrated overwhelming accuracy on a variety of artifi- cial intelligence tasks.However reversely,the large size of DNN models lays a heavy burden on storage,computation and power consumption,which prohibits their deployments on the embedded and mobile systems.In this paper, we pro- pose Explicit Loss-error-aware Quantization(ELQ,,a new method that can train DNN models with very low-bit pa- rameter values such as ternary and binary ones to approx- imate 32-bit floating-point counterparts without noticeable loss of predication accuracy.Unlike existing methods that usually pose the problem as a straighrforwvard approxima- tion of the layer-wise weights or outputs of the original full- precision model(specifically,minimizing the error of the layer-wise weights or inner products of the weights and the inputs between the original and respective quantized model- s,our ELQ elaborately bridges the loss perturbation from the weight quantization and an incremental quantization s- trategy to address DNN quantization.Through explicitly regularizing the loss perturbation and the weight approx- imation error in an incremental way,we show that such a new optimization merhod is theoretically reasonable and practically effective.As validated with two mainstream con- volutional neural network families(i.e.,fully conolutional and non-fiully convolutional),our ELQ shows better resulis than state-of -the-art quantization methods on the large s- cale ImageNet classification dataset.Code will be made publicly available

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