资源算法OpenPose TensorFlow

OpenPose TensorFlow

2019-09-11 | |  534 |   0 |   0


'Openpose' for human pose estimation have been implemented using Tensorflow. It also provides several variants that have made some changes to the network structure for real-time processing on the CPU or low-power embedded devices.

You can even run this on your macbook with descent FPS!

Original Repo(Caffe) : https://github.com/CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab/openpose

| CMU's Original Model

on Macbook Pro 15" | Mobilenet Variant on Macbook Pro 15" | Mobilenet Varianton Jetson TX2 | |:---------|:--------------------|:----------------| | openpose_macbook_cmu.gif | openpose_macbook_mobilenet3.gif | imgcat0.gif | | ~0.6 FPS | ~4.2 FPS @ 368x368 | ~10 FPS @ 368x368 | | 2.8GHz Quad-core i7 | 2.8GHz Quad-core i7 | Jetson TX2 Embedded Board |

Implemented features are listed here : features

Important Updates

2018.5.21 Post-processing part is implemented in c++. It is required compiling the part. See: https://github.com/ildoonet/tf-pose-estimation/tree/master/src/pafprocess 2018.2.7 Arguments in run.py script changed. Support dynamic input size.



You need dependencies below.

  • python3

  • tensorflow 1.4.1+

  • opencv3, protobuf, python3-tk


  • slim

  • slidingwindow

    • https://github.com/adamrehn/slidingwindow

    • I copied from the above git repo to modify few things.


Clone the repo and install 3rd-party libraries.

$ git clone https://www.github.com/ildoonet/tf-openpose$ cd tf-openpose$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Build c++ library for post processing. See : https://github.com/ildoonet/tf-pose-estimation/tree/master/tf_pose/pafprocess

$ cd tf_pose/pafprocess
$ swig -python -c++ pafprocess.i && python3 setup.py build_ext --inplace

Package Install

Alternatively, you can install this repo as a shared package using pip.

$ git clone https://www.github.com/ildoonet/tf-openpose$ cd tf-openpose$ python setup.py install

Test installed package


python -c 'import tf_pose; tf_pose.infer(image="./images/p1.jpg")'


I have tried multiple variations of models to find optmized network architecture. Some of them are below and checkpoint files are provided for research purpose.

  • cmu

    • the model based VGG pretrained network which described in the original paper.

    • I converted Weights in Caffe format to use in tensorflow.

    • pretrained weight download

  • dsconv

    • Same architecture as the cmu version except for the depthwise separable convolution of mobilenet.

    • I trained it using 'transfer learning', but it provides not-enough speed and accuracy.

  • mobilenet

    • 368x368 : checkpoint weight download

    • Based on the mobilenet paper, 12 convolutional layers are used as feature-extraction layers.

    • To improve on small person, minor modification on the architecture have been made.

    • Three models were learned according to network size parameters.

    • mobilenet

    • mobilenet_fast

    • mobilenet_accurate

    • I published models which is not the best ones, but you can test them before you trained a model from the scratch.

Download Tensorflow Graph File(pb file)

Before running demo, you should download graph files. You can deploy this graph on your mobile or other platforms.

  • cmu (trained in 656x368)

  • mobilenet_thin (trained in 432x368)

CMU's model graphs are too large for git, so I uploaded them on an external cloud. You should download them if you want to use cmu's original model. Download scripts are provided in the model folder.

$ cd models/graph/cmu
$ bash download.sh

Inference Time

| Dataset | Model | Inference Time
Macbook Pro i5 3.1G | Inference Time
Jetson TX2 | |---------|--------------------|----------------:|----------------:| | Coco | cmu | 10.0s @ 368x368 | OOM @ 368x368
5.5s @ 320x240| | Coco | dsconv | 1.10s @ 368x368 | | Coco | mobilenet_accurate | 0.40s @ 368x368 | 0.18s @ 368x368 | | Coco | mobilenet | 0.24s @ 368x368 | 0.10s @ 368x368 | | Coco | mobilenet_fast | 0.16s @ 368x368 | 0.07s @ 368x368 |


Test Inference

You can test the inference feature with a single image.

$ python run.py --model=mobilenet_thin --resize=432x368 --image=./images/p1.jpg

The image flag MUST be relative to the src folder with no "~", i.e:

--image ../../Desktop

Then you will see the screen as below with pafmap, heatmap, result and etc.


Realtime Webcam

$ python run_webcam.py --model=mobilenet_thin --resize=432x368 --camera=0

Then you will see the realtime webcam screen with estimated poses as below. This Realtime Result was recored on macbook pro 13" with 3.1Ghz Dual-Core CPU.

Python Usage

This pose estimator provides simple python classes that you can use in your applications.

See run.py or run_webcam.py as references.

e = TfPoseEstimator(get_graph_path(args.model), target_size=(w, h))humans = e.inference(image)image = TfPoseEstimator.draw_humans(image, humans, imgcopy=False)

ROS Support

See : etcs/ros.md


See : etcs/training.md



[1] https://github.com/CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab/openpose

[2] Training Codes : https://github.com/ZheC/Realtime_Multi-Person_Pose_Estimation

[3] Custom Caffe by Openpose : https://github.com/CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab/caffe_train

[4] Keras Openpose : https://github.com/michalfaber/keras_Realtime_Multi-Person_Pose_Estimation

[5] Keras Openpose2 : https://github.com/kevinlin311tw/keras-openpose-reproduce

Lifting from the deep

[1] Arxiv Paper : https://arxiv.org/abs/1701.00295

[2] https://github.com/DenisTome/Lifting-from-the-Deep-release


[1] Original Paper : https://arxiv.org/abs/1704.04861

[2] Pretrained model : https://github.com/tensorflow/models/blob/master/slim/nets/mobilenet_v1.md


[1] Tensorpack : https://github.com/ppwwyyxx/tensorpack

Tensorflow Tips

[1] Freeze graph : https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/master/tensorflow/python/tools/freeze_graph.py

[2] Optimize graph : https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/tensorflow-for-poets-2

上一篇:Single Shot MultiBox Detector

下一篇:Fast R-CNN



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