

2019-09-12 | |  94 |   0 |   0


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ChainerCV: a Library for Deep Learning in Computer Vision

ChainerCV is a collection of tools to train and run neural networks for computer vision tasks using Chainer.

You can find the documentation here.

Supported tasks:

Guiding Principles

ChainerCV is developed under the following three guiding principles.

  • Ease of Use -- Implementations of computer vision networks with a cohesive and simple interface.

  • Reproducibility -- Training scripts that are perfect for being used as reference implementations.

  • Compositionality -- Tools such as data loaders and evaluation scripts that have common API.


$ pip install -U numpy$ pip install chainercv

The instruction on installation using Anaconda is here (recommended).


  • Chainer and its dependencies

  • Pillow

  • Cython (Build requirements)

For additional features

Environments under Python 2.7.12 and 3.6.0 are tested.

  • The master branch is designed to work on Chainer v4 (the stable version) and v5 (the development version).

  • The following branches are kept for the previous version of Chainer. Note that these branches are unmaintained.

    • 0.4.11 (for Chainer v1). It can be installed by pip install chainercv==0.4.11.

    • 0.7 (for Chainer v2). It can be installed by pip install chainercv==0.7.

    • 0.8 (for Chainer v3). It can be installed by pip install chainercv==0.8.

Data Conventions

  • Image

    • The order of color channel is RGB.

    • Shape is CHW (i.e. (channel, height, width)).

    • The range of values is [0, 255].

    • Size is represented by row-column order (i.e. (height, width)).

  • Bounding Boxes

    • Shape is (R, 4).

    • Coordinates are ordered as (y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max). The order is the opposite of OpenCV.

  • Semantic Segmentation Image

    • Shape is (height, width).

    • The value is class id, which is in range [0, n_class - 1].

Sample Visualization

40634581-bb01f52a-6330-11e8-8502-ba3dacd81dc8.pngThese are the outputs of the detection models supported by ChainerCV.


If ChainerCV helps your research, please cite the paper for ACM Multimedia Open Source Software Competition. Here is a BibTeX entry:

    author = {Niitani, Yusuke and Ogawa, Toru and Saito, Shunta and Saito, Masaki},
    title = {ChainerCV: a Library for Deep Learning in Computer Vision},
    booktitle = {ACM Multimedia},
    year = {2017},

The preprint can be found in arXiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/1708.08169


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