资源算法Single Shot MultiBox Detector

Single Shot MultiBox Detector

2019-09-12 | |  80 |   0 |   0

A port of SSD: Single Shot MultiBox Detector to Keras framework.

For more details, please refer to arXiv paper. For forward pass for 300x300 model, please, follow SSD.ipynb for examples. For training procedure for 300x300 model, please, follow SSD_training.ipynb for examples. Moreover, in testing_utils folder there is a useful script to test SSD on video or on camera input.

Weights are ported from the original models and are available here. You need weights_SSD300.hdf5weights_300x300_old.hdf5 is for the old version of architecture with 3x3 convolution for pool6.

This code was tested with Keras v1.2.2, Tensorflow v1.0.0, OpenCV v3.1.0-dev





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