HEX-programs enrich the well-known Answer Set
Programming (ASP) paradigm. In HEX, problems are solved using nonmonotonic logic programs with bidirectional access to external sources.
ASP evaluation is traditionally based on grounding the input program first, but recent advances
in lazy-grounding make the latter also interesting
for HEX, as the grounding bottleneck of ASP may
be avoided. We explore this issue and present a
new evaluation algorithm for HEX-programs based
on lazy-grounding solving for ASP. Nonmonotonic
dependencies and value invention (i.e., import of
new constants) from external sources make an ef-
ficient solution nontrivial. However, illustrative
benchmarks show a clear advantage of the new algorithm for grounding-intense programs, which is
a new perspective to make HEX more suitable for
real-world application needs