

2019-09-12 | |  96 |   0 |   0

PVANet: Lightweight Deep Neural Networks for Real-time Object Detection

by Sanghoon Hong, Byungseok Roh, Kye-hyeon Kim, Yeongjae Cheon, Minje Park (Intel Imaging and Camera Technology) Presented in EMDNN2016, a NIPS2016 workshop (arXiv link)


This repository is a fork from py-faster-rcnn and demonstrates the performance of PVANet.

You can refer to py-faster-rcnn README.md and faster-rcnn README.md for more information.


Please note that this repository doesn't contain our in-house codes used in the published article. - This version of py-faster-rcnn is slower than our in-house runtime code (e.g. image pre-processing code written in Python) - PVANet was trained by our in-house deep learning library, not by this implementation. - There might be a tiny difference in VOC2012 test results, because some hidden parameters in py-faster-rcnn may be set differently with ours.

Citing PVANet

If you want to cite this work in your publication:

  title={{PVANet}: Lightweight Deep Neural Networks for Real-time Object Detection},
  author={Hong, Sanghoon and Roh, Byungseok and Kim, Kye-Hyeon and Cheon, Yeongjae and Park, Minje},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.08588},


  1. Install Dependency

       sudo pip install Cython
  2. Clone the Faster R-CNN repository

    # Make sure to clone with --recursivegit clone --recursive https://github.com/sanghoon/pva-faster-rcnn.git
  3. We'll call the directory that you cloned Faster R-CNN into FRCN_ROOT. Build the Cython modules

    cd $FRCN_ROOT/lib
  4. Build Caffe and pycaffe

    cd $FRCN_ROOT/caffe-fast-rcnn# Now follow the Caffe installation instructions here:#   http://caffe.berkeleyvision.org/installation.html# For your Makefile.config:#   Uncomment `WITH_PYTHON_LAYER := 1`cp Makefile.config.example Makefile.config
    make -j8 && make pycaffe
  5. Download PVANet detection model for VOC2007

    cd $FRCN_ROOT./models/pvanet/download_voc2007.sh
  6. Download PVANet detection model for VOC2012 (published model)

    cd $FRCN_ROOT./models/pvanet/download_voc_best.sh
  7. (Optional) Download all available models (including pre-trained and compressed models)

    cd $FRCN_ROOT./models/pvanet/download_all_models.sh
  8. (Optional) Download ILSVRC2012 (ImageNet) classification model

    cd $FRCN_ROOT./models/pvanet/download_imagenet_model.sh
  9. (Optional) If the scripts don't work, please download the models from ...

    | Model | Google Drive | | ------ | ---- | | PVANet for VOC2007 | link | | PVANet for VOC2012 | link | | PVANet for VOC2012 (compressed) | link | | PVANet for ILSVRC2012 (ImageNet) | link | | PVANet pre-trained | link |

How to run the demo

  1. Download PVANet detection models

  2. Run the demo script

    cd $FRCN_ROOT./tools/test_pvanet.py

How to test on the VOC dataset

  1. Download PASCAL VOC 2007 and 2012 -- Follow the instructions in py-faster-rcnn README.md

  2. PVANet on PASCAL VOC 2007

    cd $FRCN_ROOT./tools/test_net.py --net models/pvanet/pva9.1/PVA9.1_ImgNet_COCO_VOC0712.caffemodel --def models/pvanet/pva9.1/faster_rcnn_train_test_21cls.pt --cfg models/pvanet/cfgs/submit_1019.yml --gpu 0
  3. PVANet (compressed)

    cd $FRCN_ROOT./tools/test_net.py --net models/pvanet/pva9.1/PVA9.1_ImgNet_COCO_VOC0712plus_compressed.caffemodel --def models/pvanet/pva9.1/faster_rcnn_train_test_ft_rcnn_only_plus_comp.pt --cfg models/pvanet/cfgs/submit_1019.yml --gpu 0

Expected results

Mean Average Precision on VOC detection tasks

| Model | VOC2007 mAP (%) | VOC2012 mAP (%) | | --------- | ------- | ------- | | PVANet+ (VOC2007) | 84.9 | N/A | | PVANet+ (VOC2012) | 89.8 | 84.2 | | PVANet+ (VOC2012 + compressed) | 87.8 | 83.7 | - The training set for the VOC2012 model includes the VOC2007 test set. Therefore the accuracies on VOC2007 of the model are not meaningful; They're shown here just for reference

Validation error on ILSVRC2012

| Input size | Top-1 error (%) | Top-5 error (%) | | --- | --- | --- | | 192x192 | 30.00 | N/A | | 224x224 | 27.66 | 8.84 | - We re-trained a 224x224 model from the '192x192' model as a base model.





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