资源论文autofolio an automatically configured algorithm selector extended abstract

autofolio an automatically configured algorithm selector extended abstract

2019-10-31 | |  62 |   46 |   0
Abstract volve choosing from a set of algorithms the one expected to solve a given problem instance most efficiently – have substantially improved the state of the art in solving many prominent AI problems, such as SAT, CSP, ASP, MAXSAT and QBF. Although several AS procedures have been introduced, not too surprisingly, none of them dominates all others across all AS scenarios. Furthermore, these procedures have parameters whose optimal values vary across AS scenarios. In this extended abstract of our 2015 JAIR article of the same title, we summarize AUTO F OLIO, which uses an algorithm configuration procedure to automatically select an AS approach and optimize its parameters for a given AS scenario. AUTO F OLIO allows researchers and practitioners across a broad range of applications to exploit the combined power of many different AS methods and to automatically construct high-performance algorithm selectors. We demonstrate that AUTO F OLIO was able to produce new state-of-the-art algorithm selectors for 7 well-studied AS scenarios and matches state-ofthe-art performance statistically on all other scenarios. Compared to the best single algorithm for each AS scenario, AUTO F OLIO achieved average speedup factors between 1.3 and 15.4.

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