Complex robot behaviors are often structured as state machines, where states encapsulate actions and a transition function switches between states. Since transitions depend on physical parameters, when the environment changes, a roboticist has to painstakingly readjust the parameters to work in the new environment. We present interactive SMTbased Robot Transition Repair (SRTR): instead of manually adjusting parameters, we ask the roboticist to identify a few instances where the robot is in a wrong state and what the right state should be. An automated analysis of the transition function 1) identifies adjustable parameters, 2) converts the transition function into a system of logical constraints, and 3) formulates the constraints and user-supplied corrections as a MaxSMT problem that yields new parameter values. We show that SRTR finds new parameters 1) quickly, 2) with few corrections, and 3) that the parameters generalize to new scenarios. We also show that a SRTR-corrected state machine can outperform a more complex, expert-tuned state machine.