

2019-09-16 | |  80 |   0 |   0


NOTE: This is not official implementation. Original paper is DeepPose: Human Pose Estimation via Deep Neural Networks.


I strongly recommend to use Anaconda environment. This repo may be able to be used in Python 2.7 environment, but I haven't tested.

Installation of dependencies

pip install chainer
pip install numpy
pip install scikit-image
# for python3
conda install -c https://conda.binstar.org/menpo opencv3
# for python2
conda install opencv

Dataset preparation

bash datasets/download.sh
python datasets/flic_dataset.py
python datasets/lsp_dataset.py
python datasets/mpii_dataset.py

MPII Dataset

  • MPII Human Pose Dataset

  • training images: 18079, test images: 6908

    • test images don't have any annotations

    • so we split trining imges into training/test joint set

    • each joint set has

  • training joint set: 17928, test joint set: 1991

Start training

Starting with the prepared shells is the easiest way. If you want to run train.py with your own settings, please check the options first by python scripts/train.py --help and modify one of the following shells to customize training settings.

For FLIC Dataset

bash shells/train_flic.sh

For LSP Dataset

bash shells/train_lsp.sh

For MPII Dataset

bash shells/train_mpii.sh

GPU memory requirement

  • AlexNet

    • batchsize: 128 -> about 2870 MiB

    • batchsize: 64 -> about 1890 MiB

    • batchsize: 32 (default) -> 1374 MiB

  • ResNet50

    • batchsize: 32 -> 6877 MiB


Will add some tools soon


下一篇:qp solver



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