

2019-09-16 | |  159 |   0 |   0

Generative Query Network

This is a PyTorch implementation of the Generative Query Network (GQN) described in the DeepMind paper "Neural scene representation and rendering" by Eslami et al. For an introduction to the model and problem described in the paper look at the article by DeepMind.

The current implementation generalises to any of the datasets described in the paper. However, currently, only the Shepard-Metzler dataset has been implemented. To use this dataset you must download the tf-records from DeepMind and convert them to PyTorch tensors, such as by using the gqn_datasets_translator.

The model can be trained in full by in accordance to the paper by running the script run-gqn.py.


The implementation shown in this repository consists of all of the representation architectures described in the paper along with the generative model that is similar to the one described in "Towards conceptual compression" by Gregor et al.

Additionally, this repository also contains implementations of the DRAW model and the ConvolutionalDRAW model both described by Gregor et al.


The best way to contribute to this project is to train the model as described in the paper (by running run-gqn.py) and submitting a pull request with the fully trained model.

Currently, the repository contains a model model-final.pt that has only been trained on a subset of the data.





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