资源数据集Cardiac MRI 心脏病影像数据

Cardiac MRI 心脏病影像数据

2019-11-12 | |  99 |   0 |   0
  • Cardiac MR images acquired from 33 subjects.
    Each subject's sequence consists of 20 frames and 8-15 slices along the long
    axis, for a total of 7980 images. The sequence corresponding to each subject x is in
    a distinct .mat (MATLAB) file named sol_yxzt_patx.mat. These are the raw, unprocessed
    images, that were originally stored as 16-bit DICOM images. 

  • Segmentations of the above sequences. We have manually segmented each
    of the 7980 images where both the endocardium and epicardium of the left
    ventricle were visible, for a total of 5011 segmented MR images and 10022 contours.
    The segmentation corresponding to each subject x is in a distinct
    .mat (MATLAB) file named manual_seg_32points_patx.mat. Each contour
    is described by 32 points given in pixel coordinates. 

  • Two small MATLAB functions for visualizing the segmentations on their corresponding
    images. Please see the included README file for examples of their use. 

  • Metadata containing the pixel-spacing (mm per pixel), the spacing between
    slices along the long axis (mm per slice) of each subject's sequence, each subject's
    age and diagnosis. 

上一篇:BioID Face 人脸数据

下一篇:CMU Frontal Face Images 图像数据



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