

2019-11-15 | |  72 |   0 |   0


APAverage Price Data平均价格数据
BDBusiness Employment Dynamics商业就业动态
BGCollective Bargaining-State and Local Government集体谈判国家与地方政府
BPCollective Bargaining-Private Sector集体谈判私营部门
CCEmployer Costs for Employee Compensation (SIC)雇员补偿的雇主成本(SIC)
CDOccupational Injuries and Illness - Characteristics Data (SIC)职业伤害和疾病-特征数据(SIC)
CEEmployment, Hours, and Earnings-National (NAICS)就业,小时,盈余国家(NAICS)
CFCensus of Fatal Occupational Injuries (1992-2002)普查致命职业伤害(1992-2002)
CHNonfatal cases involving days away from work: selected characteristics 非致死性案件工作天了:选择的特征
CIEmployment Cost Index (NAICS)就业成本指数(NAICS)
CMEmployer Costs for Employee Compensation (NAICS)雇员报酬的单位成本(NAICS)
CSOccupational Injuries and Illnesses - Characteristics Data 职业损伤和疾病-特征数据
CUConsumer Price Index-All Urban Consumers (Current Series) 所有城市消费者的消费价格指数(当前系列)
CWConsumer Price Index-Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (Current Series)消费者物价指数城市工薪阶层和文职人员(当前系列)
CXConsumer Expenditure Survey 消费支出调查
EBEmployee Benefits Survey员工福利调查
ECEmployment Cost Index就业成本指数
EEEmployment, Hours, and Earnings-National (SIC)就业,工时和收入国家(SIC)
EIInternational Price Index国际价格指数
FICensus of Fatal Occupational Injuries致命职业伤害普查
FMMarital and Family Labor Force Statistics婚姻和家庭劳动力统计
FWCensus of Fatal Occupational Injuries致命职业伤害普查
GGGreen Goods and Services绿色商品与服务
GPGeographic Profile地理概况
HCOccupational Injuries and Illness - Characteristics Data (NAICS)职业伤害和疾病特征的数据(NAICS)
HSOccupational Injury and Illness Rates (based on 1972 SIC codes)职业损伤和疾病率(基于1972 SIC代码)
IIOccupational Injuries and Illnesses Industry Data职业伤害与疾病行业数据
INInternational Labor Statistics国际劳工统计
IPIndustry Productivity and Costs产业生产力与成本
JLJob Openings and Labor Turnover Survey (SIC)职位空缺和劳动周转调查(SIC)
JTJob Openings and Labor Turnover Survey (NAICS)职位空缺和劳动力流动调查(NAICS)
LALocal Area Unemployment Statistics地区失业统计
LEWeekly and Hourly Earnings Data from the Current Population Survey每周和每小时的收入数据从目前的人口调查
LIDepartment Store Inventory Price Index百货商店存货价格指数
LNLabor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey (NAICS)从当前人口调查劳动力统计(NAICS)
LUUnion Affiliation Data from the Current Population Survey工会归属数据从目前的人口调查
MLMass Layoff Statistics大规模裁员统计
MPMajor Sector Multifactor Productivity Index大部门的全要素生产率指数
MUConsumer Price Index-All Urban Consumers (Old Series) 消费者物价指数全城市消费者(旧系列)
MWConsumer Price Index-Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (Old Series)消费物价指数城市工薪阶层和文职工人(旧系列)
NBNational Compensation Survey 全国薪酬调查
NCNational Compensation Survey (SIC)国家赔偿调查(SIC)
NDProducer Price Index Revision-Discontinued Series (NAICS)生产者价格指数修正终止序列(NAICS)
NLNational Longitudinal Survey国家纵向调查
NWNational Compensation Survey (NAICS)全国薪酬调查(NAICS)
OEOccupation Employment Statistics职业就业统计
PCProducer Price Index Revision-Current Series生产者物价指数修订系列
PDProducer Price Index Revision-Discontinued Series (SIC)生产者价格指数修正中止系列(SIC)
PRMajor Sector Productivity and Costs Index主要部门生产力和成本指数
SAState and Area Employment, Hours, and Earnings (SIC)国家和地区就业、工时和收入(SIC)
SHOccupational Injury and Illness Rates (based on 1987 SIC codes)职业损伤和疾病率(基于1987 SIC代码)
SIOccupational Injury and Illness Rates (2002 data)职业伤害与疾病率(2002资料)
SMState and Area Employment, Hours, and Earnings (NAICS)国家和地区就业,小时,和盈余(NAICS)
SUChained CPI-All Urban Consumers所有城市消费者
WDProducer Price Index Commodity - Discontinued Series生产者价格指数商品-停产系列
WPProducer Price Index - Commodities生产者物价指数-商品
WSWork Stoppage Data停工数据

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