资源算法PyTorch Realtime Multi-Person Pose Estimation

PyTorch Realtime Multi-Person Pose Estimation

2019-09-17 | |  99 |   0 |   0

Pytorch Realtime Multi-Person Pose Estimation

This is a pytroch version of Realtime Multi-Person Pose Estimation, origin code is here https://github.com/ZheC/Realtime_Multi-Person_Pose_Estimation


Code for reproducing CVPR 2017 Oral paper using pytorch



The result is generated by the model, which has trained 30 epoches.


1.preprocessing: some scripts for preprocessing data.

2.training: some scripts for training networks.

3.testing: the test script and example.

4.caffe2pytorch: the script for converting.

5.caffe_model: caffe model


Pytorch: 0.2.0_3

Caffe: If you want to convert the caffemodel by your own.


Mytransforms.py: some transformer.

transformer the image, mask, keypoints and center points, together.

CocoFolder.py: to read data for network.

It will generate the PAFs vector and heatmap when get the image.

The PAFs vector's format as follow:

    {3,  4},
    {4,  5},
    {6,  7},
    {7,  8},
    {9,  10},
    {10, 11},
    {12, 13},
    {13, 14},
    {1,  2},
    {2,  9},
    {2,  12},
    {2,  3},
    {2,  6},
    {3,  17},
    {6,  18},
    {1,  16},
    {1,  15},
    {16, 17},
    {15, 18},

Where each index is the key value corresponding to each part in POSE_COCO_BODY_PARTS

utils.py: some common functions, such as adjust learning rate, read configuration and etc.

visualize_input.ipynb: the script to vierfy the validaity of preprocessing and generating heatmap and vectors. It shows some examples.

pose_estimation.py: the structure of networks.

The first 10 layers equals to VGG-19, so if set pretrained as True, it will be initialized by the VGG-19. And the stage is 6. The first stage has 5 layers (3 3x3conv + 2 1x1conv) and the remainder stages have 7 layers (5 3x3conv + 2 1x1conv).

TODO: the stage is adjustable.

Training steps

  • Download the data set, annotations and COCO official toolbox

  • Go to the "preprocessing" folder cd preprocessing.

  • Generate json file and masks python generate_json_mask,py.

  • Go to the "training" folder cd ../training.

  • Set the train parameters in "config.yml".

  • Set the train data dir , train mask dir, train json filepath and val data dir, val mask dir, val json filepath.

  • Train the model sh train.sh.


  • When you want to train some other datasets, please change the code: Mytransforms.pyCocoFolder.py to correspond to your datasets. Besides, please ensure '0' corresponds to background.

  • The converted model and my code are used BGR to train and test images.


Please cite the paper in your publocations if it helps your research:

    title = {Realtime Multi-Person 2D Pose Estimation using Part Affinity Fields}},
    author = {Zhe Cao and Tomas Simon and Shih-En Wei and Yaser Sheikh},
    booktitle = {The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
    year = {2017}


The repo is freely available for free non-commercial use. Please see the license for further details.





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