资源数据集Human Pose Evaluator 人体轮廓识别图像数据

Human Pose Evaluator 人体轮廓识别图像数据

2019-11-16 | |  119 |   0 |   0

This dataset is derived from Hollywood movies and “Buffy, the vampire slayer” series. The images are randomly sampled from the aforementioned videos. All humans with more than three parts visible are annotated with upper body stickmen (6 parts: head, torso, upper and lower arms).

Annotations from Hollywood movies: A total of about 6000 frames are sampled from ten Hollywood movies viz., “About a Boy”, “Apollo 13”, “Four Weddings and a Funeral”, “ Forrest Gump”, “ Notting Hill”, “Witness”, “Gandhi”, “Love Actually”, “The Graduate” and “Groundhog day”. It has 11,639 ground truth annotations. These annotations offers a large variety of poses, people and backgrounds.

Annotations from the TV show "Buffy the vampire slayer": A total of 499 frames are sampled from episodes 2 and 3 of season 5 of this TV show. It contains a total of 755 annotations. This dataset is mainly introduced to add to the numbers of Buffy stickmen dataset.

上一篇:Buffy Stickmen V3 人体轮廓识别图像数据

下一篇:Buffy pose 人类姿势图像数据



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